A Delayed Cash Out can occur after a user sells a position for a profit. The user will receive their original stake in the order at the point of sale, but any additional funds are held until the final game result occurs in the event that the original position is a push.
Once the final game result occurs, the delayed cash out will be paid to the individual as long as the position didn't push.
Individual A buys Buffalo Bills at -3 for $10 to win $20.
Individual A sells Buffalo Bills of -3 for $15 to lock-in a $5 profit.
Since there's a risk that the Bills could win by EXACTLY 3 points causing a push for all orders, the $5 of profit is held until the game result is finalized.
If the Bills end up winning by 3 points exactly, all individuals are returned their original stake. However, if the Bills don't win by 3 exactly, the individual who locked in profit will receive their $5 at the finale of the game.